
Modern society would like us all to believe that we are a “I” centered species, but more and more research points to the interconnectedness all life. At Morris Success and Fitness we will work with you to develop a healthy spiritual relationship with yourself, your community and your environment. We believe that the success and fitness of your spirit will directly impact the success and fitness of your mind and body.

Personal Spirituality

Personal spirituality is about self-discovery and self-care. It is one of the areas that I, Anna Morris, struggled with the most throughout my journey. It can be broken up into Five main categories:

  1. Meaning

  2. Purpose

  3. Truth

  4. Meaning

  5. Values

At Morris Success and Fitness we will work with you to help guide you on your journey of discovering what each of these means to you, if you havent yet, and strengthening them for those of you that feel fulfilled in these areas.

Communal Spirituality

Communal Spirituality revolves around the health of your relationships with others. These relationships may include romantic relationships, family, friends, co-workers, a team or organization. Having healthy relationships, a support group and being an individual that activity contributes to a community in which they feel connected to has shown to have a plethora of positive side effects including:

  • A stronger immune system

  • Decreased risk of chronic illness

  • Decreased risk of anxiety and depression

  • Increased resistance to the negative side effects of stress

At Morris Success and Fitness we will work with you to evaluate the strength and fitness of your relationships and coach you in areas where you may find greater success.

Environmental Spirituality

Have you ever been in the middle of a rough day and thought - “I just need some air”. Chances are that if you listened to that inner voice and took a walk in nature you would begin to feel tension reside and a sense of calm would emerge. This is what Environmental Spirituality is all about, finding out how we are connected with the world around us and learning to respect and appreciate that relationship. Together we will explore what you feel your place in this world is, where you find joy from the environment around you and how a deeper connection to the environment can help you on your journey to success and fitness.